
Ministry Teams

At EBF we offer an Infant/Toddler classroom, a Pre-K/Kindergarten classroom, and an Elementary (grades 1–6) classroom. We are always looking for volunteers who have a heart for children and making that Gospel connection with them. There are lead teacher opportunities and classroom helper opportunities. A background check is required. 
Time commitment: One Sunday a month
Our college ministry team spends time leading Bible studies on campus during the week, inviting undergrads over for dinner, including them in fun plans over the weekends, and coordinating one to two social events per month. There is also opportunity for academic mentorship (e.g., study habits, life skills). Another commitment of this ministry is coordinating rides to students to and from Sunday worship services. 
Time commitment: Varies
The Community Team is responsible for planning and executing fellowship events for our church, both to strengthen our bonds within our EBF community and to invest in our neighbors through service projects or events that involve the broader Evanston community. This team also organizes our monthly family meals that we host at church! 
Time commitment: One Sunday a month plus occasional events outside of Sunday worship services
This team's main goal is to be in tune with the circumstances and needs of our congregation, to offer a listening ear or prayer, and to make others aware of and coordinate the meeting of tangible needs within our church body (think packing/moving help, setting up a Meal Train, childcare, etc.). if you have a heart for serving the people of God's church, we would love to have you on the Care & Compassion Team. 
Time commitment: Some Sundays (being available to pray with individuals) and as needed during the week
This team serves as our welcoming committee on Sundays. It is our heart that every person can feel welcomed home at EBF. If you are friendly, like to chat, and are comfortable answering questions about our church and connecting individuals to the right places and people, this team is for you. The connection team is also responsible for some Sunday setup and teardown. 
Time commitment: One Sunday a month
Mentoring is available for dating, engaged, and married couples who are looking for support, accountability, and wisdom from a couple farther along in life stage. If you and your spouse would be interested in being a mentoring couple, let us know!
Time commitment: One or two meetings per month
Our men's ministry is called "4:12" and gathers quarterly on Saturday mornings for a Men's Breakfast. It's open to all men and is an opportunity to connect with, support, and encourage one another. The name comes from Ecclesiastes 4:12 and underscores the importance of community.
We also have Men's 4x4 groups, where groups of four meet to encourage one another and study the Word.
Time commitment: One weeknight per month
Ministry apprenticeships are available for people who are interested in exploring vocational ministry in the local church. These often take place in conjunction with a degree program and are a great way to gain practical experience, whether in pastoral ministry, church planting, or other ministries. 
Time commitment: Varies depending on the level of apprenticeship
The EBF Missions Committee exists to help our community of sojourners empower one another to cultivate gospel transformation among the nations. We do this by promoting awareness of our missionaries and missions opportunities, supporting our existing missionaries through prayer and funding, and helping send others out from EBF. 
Time commitment: One meeting per month as well as reading a missions-related book to discuss among committee
We at EBF hold to a distinctive and commitment to becoming a flourishing multiethnic church, one that is a welcome home to people of all races and ethnicities. The Multiethnic-Distinctive (MED) Team gathers regularly to align ourselves with this biblical mandate, consider how the church can better love all people, and also encourage and support our leaders in how we live out this distinctive. 
Time commitment: One weeknight meeting per month, plus reading/listening to a book, article. sermon, or podcast on a relevant topic
If you have a heart and mind for the safety and security of our building and congregation, this would be a great team for you. Members of this team rotate the responsibilities of during-service security, end-of-service lock-up, and they also plan and coordinate protocol, strategies, and systems that will keep our church a welcoming and safe place for all.
Time commitment: One or two Sundays per month
If you are tech-minded or want a behind-the-scenes way to serve our church, this team is for you. Our Audio/Visual Team ensures that our Sunday worship services run smoothly by helping set up and tear down equipment on Sundays, running sound and powerpoint during the service, and also coordinating the service live stream on our YouTube channel. 
Time commitment: One or two Sundays a month

This team focuses time and energy pouring into the lives of the women in our church. This involves one-on-one discipleship, planning fun events, and also planning and participating in Bible studies for women. 
Time commitment: Varies
If you sing or play an instrument, we would love to have you help lead us in worship on Sundays. Rehearsals take place 2:00-3:30PM on Sundays. 
Time commitment: One or two Sundays a month